Shodasha samskarams – Annaprasana
(11th Nov, 2022, Webinar Delivered by Dr.T S Visalakshi)
Transcripted, Compiled and submitted by: M R Ananthan(301)
Samskaras are those religious rites and ceremonies which sanctify the body, mind and intellect, so that person becomes fit for thesociety. In Ayurveda, the word Samskara isintroduced as“SamskaraohiGunaantradhyanam” whichmeans qualitative improvement carried out byincorporating the specific qualities(transforming of the qualities).Physician canalso assess the proper growth and developmentof the child while performing theseSamskaras. The Upanishads mentionSamskaras as a means to grow and prosper inall four aspects of human pursuit – Dharma(righteousness), Artha (wealth), Karma andKama (work and pleasure), and Moksha(salvation).
We know in Sanatana Dharma we have mainly Shodasha(16) samskaras. The sacraments that pertain to the various stages of life of a man are called Samskaras. They are, in fact, purificatory rites which sanctify the life of the Hindu. They give a spiritual touch to the important events in the life of an individual from conception to cremation.In the Pre-natal Stage(Before the baby takes birth), we have Garbhadhana, Punsavana and Semanthonayana samskaras. On baby’s birth we have Jathakarma and Namakarana followed bymany samskaras. Every movement/growth of the baby is being acknowledged, celebrated and enjoyed by the sanathana dharma.

Dolashayana Samskara Here the child is transferred to the Dola (cradle) for the first time after the delivery thus allowing it to be separated from the mother. It is performed after 12 days. It is probably supposed that a child receive continuous and constant attention in mother‟s bed till 12-13 days after birth so that minor abnormalities and change in the behaviour can be observed. The child having been found well and doing well physically is now transferred to the cradle where the sleep is comfortable with swinging movements. This Samskara helps in maintaining the temperature as neonate faces much threats of hypothermia in the first month. The swinging movements induce the sleep and the baby can survive by its own. It also aids for the vestibular stimulation. Done when the child has recovered from the fatigue of birth injuries, having no jaundice and when the Nabhi (umbilicus) is healed well.
Sooryodayadarshana / Chandrodaya Samskara Here the child is made to see and worship the rising sun and moon. It is usually performed at 1 st month (Kashyapa) or 3rd month (Dharma sindhusara). This Samskara has got the advantage of testing the development of the child in its ability to look at the objects allowing macular fixation. Exposing the child to ultraviolet rays helps in rickets by formation of vitamin D in the skin. It is proved that only sun rays of Suryodayakala have wavelength of ultraviolet rays which is beneficial to stimulate the production of vitamin D. This is diagnostic tests that if child is not able to fix the vision or not able to see moving sun or the moon by the end of one month development of the child is slow and special care should be given.

This refers to the ceremony of taking the baby out of Kumaragara. This enables the baby to acclimatize with external environment. It is performed at 4th month (Vagdhata and Kashyapa) by father and mother (Gruhya Sutra).[29] Here the child is first time taken outside usually to a temple with Shankha Nada and chanting of Vedic mantras. The baby is given bath, adorned, wearing clean clothes, possessing mustard, honey and Ghrita or Gorochana, he along with Dhatri (wet nurse) should be taken out of the house and ready to enter the temple. Thereafter worshiping the Agni (burning fire) with Ghrita and Akshata and then after venerating the Brahmana, God Vishnu, Skanda, Matrikas and other family gods with Gandha (fragrances), Pushpa (flowers), Dhupa (fumigations), Mala (garlands) etc. gifts and eatable substances and so many other methods; thereafter reciting the Brahmanas and taking their blessings and saluting the Guru, should re-enter own house; having entered, the physician should recite the mantra for offering prayer.
This Samskara is important for observing the developmental milestones. As the child meets many unknown persons its reaction in the form of social smile, laugh, fear, anxiety or curiosity can be observed. By the end of 4th month child develops head control. In temple, the child reacts to sounds of bell by turning the head around. Here lifting of the head with complete head control can be observed. Also the disappearance of grasping reflex (3-4 months), placing reflex (3-4 month), stepping reflex (3-4 months), rooting reflex (3-4 months), tonic neck (2-6 month) and Moro‟s reflex (3-4month). But persistence of these reflexes indicative of cerebral palsy.
According to Acharya Kashyapa, the teeth inseminated in fourth month are weak, decay early and are afflicted with many diseases.[30] At fourth month age, following developmental changes appear in infant such as the infant been able to reaching out for objects with both hand (Bidextrous reach), able to rolls over the bed, recognizes the mother and responds to her voice, anticipate the feeds, laugh loudly when talked by someone, responds to sound well, starts cooing, curious and shows interest in surrounding environment, Able to fix eyes on external objects and adaptation to external environment begins.
उपवेशनसंस्कार: This is the ceremony of making a normal baby to sit with support. It is performed at 5th month (Ashtanga Sangraha) or 6th month (Kashyapa). Daily the child is trained to sit for a while and thus by 12 months of age, he shall be able to sit without support. This is a method of giving stimulus for the ability to sit in a normally growing child. It also assess the different milestones such as rolling over, sitting with support, sitting without support, crawling, creeping etc.
Annaprashana Samskara is the holy ceremonyin sanathana dharma to mark the beginning of a baby’s food intake. In other words, when a baby starts having things other than mother’s milk. Before this samskara, a baby should be not be given any food other than mothers milk. Mother’s milk should be given at least one year to the baby as it is said to be the nectar for baby. In case of insufficiency of mothers milk a baby can be given cow milk with in six months also. Other than these two nothing should be given as food with in six months. Annaprasana Sanskar ceremony is normally held in Mathamahi’s (baby’s maternal Grandmother) house. It is held by offering yagna sesha and bhagavad nivedita prasadam to the baby. Hence, this ceremony is popularly known as in englishFirst Rice-Eating Ceremonyi.e. Annaprasana.For baby boy or baby girl is usually same everywhere in bharatha desha. We will know everything about Annaprashan ceremony procedure in detail.
Why Annaprasana Ceremony Is Important
In our scriptures Annam is glorified in many places. In Taittiriya Upanishad (Brahmananda Valli – 2-2) thr following mantra describs the importance of Annam:
अन्नाद्वै प्रजाः प्रजायन्ते । याः काश्च पृथिवीँ श्रिताः । अथो अन्नेनैव जीवन्ति । अथैनदपि यन्त्यन्ततः ।
अन्नँ हि भूतानां ज्येष्ठम् । तस्मात् सर्वौषधमुच्यते । सर्वं वै तेऽन्नमाप्नुवन्ति । येऽन्नं ब्रह्मोपासते ।
अन्नँ हि भूतानां ज्येष्ठम् । तस्मात् सर्वौषधमुच्यते । अन्नाद् भूतानि जायन्ते । जातान्यन्नेन वर्धन्ते ।
“From food, verily, are produced all creatures—whatsoever dwell on earth. By food alone, furthermore, do they live and to food, in the end, do they return; for food alone is the eldest ofall beings and therefore, it is called the panacea for all.” “They who worship food as Brahman obtain all food. Food alone is the eldest of all beings and therefore it is called the panacea for all. From food all creatures are born: by food, when born, they grow. Because it is eaten by beings and because it eats beings, therefore it is called food.”
Food plays a very significant role in our lives, as it nourishes our body and gives us strength. Since ages, we are dedicating our lives to be able to feed ourselves better. This ceremony respects the significance of food and the beginning of its consumption in a human’s life. The day a baby starts having food properly, it is believed that half of the success has been achieved through out his his life he will be having delicious and healthy food. Hence, this ceremony should be performed in a holy ambience with all the step-by-step Annaprashan Vidhi (rituals), as it is one of the most important parts of your baby care.
Right Time For Annaprashana Sanskar
Usually, Annaprashana is performed on 6th day of 6th Month that day one need not worry about muhurtham etc.as it is mentioned in sastras, this is the time when baby gets some teeth. At least one tooth is must be there while performing this cerimony. If no teeth is there then there is a possibilith that the milky teeth may fall early. If we don’t perform on that day due to any reason then next with a auspicious muhoortham selected, for female and male baby odd and even month respectively, Monday Wednesday Thursday or Friday vidhiya thadhiya panchami sapthami dhashami trayodhasi chaturdasi before pournami and on a good star according to father, maternal uncle and the child. Recommended stars are ashvini, rohini, mrugashira, punarvasu, pushyami uttara,uttarashada, uttarabadra, hastha, chitra, swathi, anuradha, sravanam, dhanista, shathabhisha are better.
Annaprashan Ceremony Preparation

Annaprasana items should be chosen very sincerely. After all, the baby has to be fed for the first time.Before doing the ceremony, it is important to set everything up, so that you don’t miss anything at the last moment. In other words, Pooja Samagri (holy items required for the rituals) should be prepared well in advance along with a good plan. Per example Keep a Silver bowl for Annaprashana. It will be great if you have golden ring with out stones or a silver spoon for the baby to lick food.Also prepare Paramannam (known as Chawal Ki Kheer in Hindi as per parashara samhitha) made of rice, milk, Jagary, cow-ghee Honey etc or according to their sampradhaya offered to lord as naivedhayam and kept ready. Paramannam (telugu) Payasam in many parts of South India. In noth of india Kheer , pudding can be right word in english. Bengalis know is as PayeshIn some places they give curd rice added some salt honey etc payasam(with soji(rava), sugar ghee homey etc chekkera pongali(rice, jagari, ghee honey etc. Pooja samagris such as flowers, mango leaves, kalasha, kum kum turmeric powder and other list of items told by the acharya as per sastra.
Annaprashan kriya
Samskara kriya is as follows:
After chanting this mantra, Guru prarthana, taking blessings from elders in the house by doing sastanga namaskaram, praying kuladevatha and ishtadevatha etc as per once own customs.
- Vigneshwara/ Vishvaksena pooja followed by kalasha pooja. Sakala devatha pooja
- The following Kriyas are performed further:
- Patra Pujan (worshipping the food utensil)
- ॐहिरण्मयेनपात्रेण, सत्यस्यापिहितंमुखम्।
तत्त्वंपूषन्नपावृणु, सत्यधर्मायदृष्टये॥(ईश.उ. 15)
oṃ hiraṇmayena pātreṇa, satyasyāpihitaṃ mukham।
tattvaṃ pūṣannapāvṛṇu, satyadharmāya dṛṣṭaye॥
- Anna Sanskar (preparation of the first meal)
- Vishesh Ahuti (holy sacrifices to the fire)
- Prashanam (feeding of the child)
- Pradhana devatha sodasha pooja with homam and offered the naivedhyam to lord divided in to four (1st one for to be submitted in the homam as havis, 2nd one for birds,Ants etc 3rd one is kept for prasada distribution those all attending. The last one for feeding to baby)
- After homan on right muhoortham baby on its father’s lap with the veda mantras first time given food by meternal uncle or father in silver bowl with a golden ring on tongue or lower lip four times on the instruction of guruji.
- After harathi and mantra pushpam to lord, harathi given to child along with parents.
- Finally, one blanket is spread on the ground things like spritual books, pen/pencil, golden chain technical items etc and allow child to touch by crawl ling. It is believed that the first item touched by the child indicates the child will be interested and will progress in that field.

The Chudakarana (Sanskrit: चूडाकरण, lit, arrangement of the hair tuft) or the Mundana (Sanskrit: मुण्डन, lit. tonsure), is the eighth of the sixteen Hindu saṃskāras (sacraments), in which a child receives their first haircut.According to the Grhya Sutras, this samskara should take place at the end of first year or before the expiry of the third year, but the later authorities extend the age to the seventh year. The child’s hair is shorn, frequently leaving only the śikhā or cūḍā, a tuft at the crown of the head.Originally, the arrangement of the śikhā was the most significant feature of the Chudakarana and the number of tufts was determined by the number of the pravaras belonging to the gotra of the child. Later, in northern India, keeping only one tuft became universal. But in the Deccan and southern India, earlier traditions remained alive to some extent.In tradition, the hair from birth is associated with undesirable traits from past lives. Thus at the time of the mundana, the child is freshly shaven to signify freedom from the past and moving into the future. The rite is performed as a special ceremony in most homes, for young girls and boys.
कर्णवेधसंस्कार: Karnavedha (ear piercing)
This is performed on 6th/7th/8th month(Susrutha and Vagbhata) or 3rd to 5th month(Parashara Gruhya Sutra).[40]According toSushruta, in auspicious Tithi (date), Muhurtaand Naksatra, after reciting auspicious hymns,the child should be placed in the lap of wetnurse or male attendant engaging andconsoling him with toys; then the physicianpulling the ear with his left hand should piercethe ears in the middle of the Karnapeethawhere the skin is thinner (Daivakrita Chidra)with his right hand slowly and evenly byneedle or awl in case of thin and thick lobesrespectively.[41] In male child first the right earshould be pierced but in female child, left earshould be pierced first and then the Pichuvartibe inserted, usually performed on auspiciousday in winter season.

Injury produced by piercing the ear mayinitiate the antigen antibody reaction providingpassive immunity to the child. This act alsoactivates the immune mechanism so as tobring a secondary immunity against severalinfections. This rite is intended to open theinner ears of the child for receiving sacredsounds. This also possesses deep mystical andsymbolic significance. It is believed thatmerely hearing sacred sounds has merit in thatit cleanses sin and nurtures the spirit.
विद्यारम्भसंस्कार:Vidyarambha (commencement of studies)

By the age of five, the child has developed certain cognitive skills and is ready to begin reading and writing. Knowledge is considered sacred and venerated as Sarasvati. This attitude of seeing everything with reverence and as a blessing from Isvara, is unique to our culture. Every parent aspires that their child should grow to be a knowledgeable person. Therefore when the child is ready to receive formal education, this samskara is performed.On an auspicious day (normally Vasntha Panchami or Vijaya Dhashami), the child is made to write ‘Om’, on a plate of rice by the father; holding the finger of the little one and helping the child trace the alphabets. The guru, who is held in great esteem then makes the child repeat the sacred word three times and formally initiates learning. The child also repeats the prayers after the priest, representing the beginning of a life-long education under a teacher.
Here the child is made to learn alphabets. The age at which child gets the ability to learn varies from individual to individual. Usually the child should be able to learn by 5 years. And Aksharalekhana Samskara is performed in the 5th year of the life on an auspicious day while sun moves in Uttarayana. Having noticed the field of interest to learn he is educated accordingly. This Samskara is an initiation to learn the writing language.
Annaprashana Samskara in a nutshell
This is the act of introduction of the solid food material for the first time. It is performed at 10th month (Kashyapa), 6th month (Susruta and Vagbhata) or 5th/6th month (Gruhya sutras).[32] According to Kashyapa, on the day of ceremony in Prajapatya Nakshatra, cooked food is kept in between the square place prepared by besmearing the cow dung. The sign of swastika is made on that. A picture filled with water is also placed there. Physician is the performer of the ceremony. After offering the food to the Agni the remaining part of the food is offered to child for 3 or 5 times.[33][34] As teeth erupt in 6th month, introduction of solid food in 10th month is more justified. Scientifically right time for solid food as GIT is ready in terms of its enzymatic activity. Starting solid food before this time leads to fat accumulation which may be problematic afterwards. Prolonged breast feeding may lead to calcium deficiency disorders like rickets, scurvy etc.
As growing child attains different milestones, its range of activities also increases and it needs more and more food substances. Only breast milk and even the other liquid food in the form of dal water and fruits may be insufficient to fulfil day to day needs of the baby. Rich carbohydrate, fatty & proteinaceous food in solid form can only fulfil the need. Fruit juices should be given to the child from sixth month which are source of vitamins especially vitamin C. First meal offer to infant would be easily digested, light and soft as advised by Acharya Kashyapa. At age of 6 month, breast milk now not enough to fulfil the requirement of growing child. So, it is the accurate time to introduction of supplementary feeding as Phalprashana. Breast milk is deficient in iron, vitamin A, D, K and calcium, so by offering Phalprashana and Annprashana ceremony at this time with breast milk, we can reduce the deficiency of related essential vitamins. We can examine the six month infant which has following milestone (6): Starts sitting with own support (Sits in tripod fashion), Unidextrous reach, recognizes strangers or develops stranger anxiety, pronounce monosyllables (pa, ba, da etc.), lift the head and chest off the surface with weight bearing on hands, may roll from prone to supine, able to bear most of the weight on legs when holding the child in standing position. Similarly tenth month corresponding milestones may also examine e.g. bisyllables, standing with support, sitting without support, waves bye-bye etc. Primary teeth also start erupted e.g. central incisors (5- 7 month), Lateral incisors (7-11 month, First molars (10-16 month).
- Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hridaya. Tewari PV, editor. 1st ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Visvabharati; 2002. Sutrasthana. p.16-17.
- Why are certain rituals performed before commencing any sanskar? Retrieved from: http://www.hindujagruti.org/hinduism/knowledge/article/why-are-certain-rituals-performed-before-commencing-any-sanskar.html [Accessed on: 29/07/2013]
32.Susruta. Susruta Samhita, Vol – I. Srikantha Murthy KR, editor. 1st ed. Varanasi:Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2012. Shareerasthana. p.167.
33.Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hridaya. Srikantha Murthy KR, editor. ed. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy; Uttarasthana. p.10.
34.Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hridaya. Tewari PV, editor. 1st ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Visvabharati; 2002. Khilasthana. p.599.