
Feed Back on vEda vaaNee eJournal

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4 replies on “Feed Back on vEda vaaNee eJournal”

This journal is very much informative – I can say condensed form of the ancient wisdom. Such kind of works need to come in more numbers and we are there to support and circulate.

Dear Sri Rajesh –
It is need a pleasure to such feedback and for your encouraging support to the vEda vaaNee journal. We certainly try to keep up good work and expectations from the readers.
Thank you,
Dr. Raghava S. Boddupalli, PhD
vEda vaaNee – Editor in-Chief

Prof. Vivekananda, D.
Adjunct Faculty IIT Mumbai, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram
Advisory Board ICAR, New Delhi

Anantasri Boddupalli and Raghava S. Boddupalli
Institute of Sanskrit &Vedic Studies (ISVS),
Sri Siddhi Vinayaka Temple,
Sastry MemorialHall,
Bangalore 560094

Respected Mahodayulaku,
The abstract of Botanical Facets of Bṛhat Saṃhita – Varāhamihira‟s Magnum Opus, is highly laudable.

The in-depth work on this would have been a challenging scope.

I am a Vedic learner and is keen to explore the greater insights in Vedas, as, one can know that this is the highest epithet USER MANUAL for mankind.

Decoding this, as mentioned above, although is a challenge, the right path to extract the essence, for the well being of mankind should be the objective.

Your abstract is in tune with this. I would also like to meet your good-selves sometime mutually convenient.

Prof Vivekananda

Sir…here are my findings:
1. The journal is really good with detailed explanations by authors.
2. ⁠you have also provided the ‘know how’ of the authors. Which is really good to understand them well.
3. ⁠editorial is good.
4. ⁠for certain articles, you have also provided the references. Which is of great help.
5. ⁠it has all the qualities and very useful.

What could have been better:

1. The journal is too huge with 97 pages.
2. ⁠if you look at the monthly journals of TTD or any other spiritual organisation, the book normally smaller in size. May be around 30-40 pages. A small book will help in grabbing the attention. Huge books, generally, majority of people, may not pay attention.
3. ⁠this has English, Sanskrit and Telugu languages. My suggestion is to follow only one language. The translations are always available to translate into our preferred language. May be we can choose universal language that helps everyone. This brings beauty to the journal and makes it standard and uniform.
4. ⁠certain contents can be shortened so that people will not be lost.

Finally with certain things taking into consideration, this can be really useful for all. Also, based on the recipients of journal, we should precise and grab attention of the readers. For that it should be within 40-50 pages. Not more than that.

These journals are very precious. They should be read and kept in our cupboards for future generations also. Hence, keeping in mind of all these, I dared to challenge the journal. Please don’t take it otherwise. It’s my personal opinion. I normally get certain journals regularly. Hence, I share my thoughts.

Thank you for asking my feedback and I’m glad to share my views. Also, if you need any help on this, I can offer my help.

Thank you!🙏

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