About Us
Your Contribution to Sanaatana Dharma ?
Dhanyavaadaah for your interest in following and promoting Sanaatana Dharma.
The best way to promote Sanaatana Dharma is by practicing it..
Besides, you may also promote Sanaatana Dharma by adopting any of or all of the following options
- BY Participating in our VSS programs
- By informing others about our programs and projects.
- By advising us to improve our programs.
- By giving lectures in webinars on any subject of sanaatana dharma.
- By teaching samskritam to others.
- By advising others to join our free samskritam classes and Sanaatana Dharma course.
- By submitting papers for our book review project.
- By reviewing the papers we received from authors under our book review project.
- By donating to us ie to VSS and similar organisations striving to do similar projects on sanaatana dharma and sanskritam such as Samskrit Bharati according to your capacity
- Can join VSS as faculty for our Sanaatana Dharma certificate course. 2nd batch . of Level1 is running now. Level 2 VSS is being planned to start in May 2023.
- Any other activities that deem fit to protect preserve and promote Sanaatana Dharma