Current Activities & Events
At Sampurna Rigveda Ghanaparayana on 16 Jan 2024

Harih OM
We run free coaching classes for Samskrita Bharati courses Pravesah, Parichaya, Shiksha and Kovidah.
Exams will be on last Sunday of Feb and August every year. All four courses can be completed within 2 years.
You have to register your name with Samskrita Bharati by paying their nominal fees towards registration, course material and exam fee. Please contact Samskruta Bharati Karyalaya, Hyderabad, Telangana CellNo: 83328 34852.
The classes generally start for Feb batch in September and for Aug batch in March.
Pl contact me for further details about date, timings etc.
Normally classes will be from 8.30 PM to 10.30pm IST and 5:30 AM to 7:30 AM IST
Free Sanskrit coaching for Praveshah , Parichaya, Shikshaa and Kovidah examination of Samskrita Bharati by Sri. Akella Hema Kanta Prabhakara Rao and Dr. T(S) Visalakshi are in progess
Interested people may contact on whatsapp Number given below.
A H Prabhakara Rao
Samskrita Bharati
Founder & President
Veda Samskruti Samiti
Ph nr.9246572182
Our web site www.vedasamskrutisamiti.org.in
“Geetaa Paaraayana “. Geetaa Paaraayana and other dharmika grantha paaraayana will be daily from 7.30 PM to 8.30PM IST. All can attend these classes.
On line classes will be conducted in google meet and zoom.
Sanaatana Dharma Courses
3 Months Certificate courses on Sanaatana Dharma at Basic and Advanced Level 2 are being conducted.
Week-end Webinar
Weekly webinars on various topics of Sanaatana Dharma are being conducted on every Sturday and Sunday.
vEda vaaNee Journal
A quarterly e-journal “vEda vaNee” is being published since April 2023. Papers and articles are invited on Sanaatana Dharma. ISSN is allotted.