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सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो भवन्तु

सत्यं वद । धर्मं चर


वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ। निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा॥

సరస్వతి నమస్తుభ్యం వరదే కామరూపిణి | విద్యారంభం కరిష్యామి సిద్ధిర్భవతు మే సదా 

జ్ఞానానందమయం దెేవం నిర్మల స్ఫటికాకృతిం ఆధారం సర్వ విద్యానాం హయగ్రీవముపాస్మహె

सदाशिव समारम्भाम् शंकराचार्य मध्यमाम् अस्मद् आचार्य पर्यन्ताम् वंदे गुरु परम्पराम्

Ayurveda – for lay man Ayur or Ayush or life span in Vedas.

The term Āyurveda (Sanskritआयुर्वेद) is composed of two words, āyus, आयुस्, “life” or “longevity”, and veda, वेद, “knowledge”, translated as “knowledge of longevity or “knowledge of life and longevity”.  Yes, the knowledge of Ayurveda emanated from Vedas as Sruthi. Ayurveda is part of Adharvana Veda.  Ayurveda is assigned a place as a subsidiary Veda (upaveda).

Ayurveda is one of the few systems of medicine developed in ancient times that is still widely practiced in modern times

The main classical Ayurveda texts begin with accounts of the transmission of medical knowledge from the gods to sages, and then to human physicians. First Ayurveda Vidya , was received in the form of hymns  or slokas or sutras  by Dhanvantari (or Divodasa) from Brahma.

Dhanvantari is the physician of the devas in Hinduism. He is regarded to be an avatar of Vishnu. He is mentioned in the Puranas as the God of Ayurveda


Some of the  ancient works on Ayurvedic medicine are the Charaka Samhita, the Sushruta Samhita and the Bhela Samhita

80 percent of people in India use Ayurveda exclusively or combined with conventional Western medicine. A Ayurveda is part of  the Indian System of Medicine or AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and naturopathy, Unani, Sidha, and Homeopathy) .

According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of tissues (dhatus), waste (malas), and humoral biomaterials (doshas).[36] The seven dhatus are chyle (rasa), blood (rakta), muscles (māmsa), fat (meda), bone (asthi), marrow (majja), and semen (shukra). Like the medicine of classical antiquity, the classic treatises of Ayurveda divided bodily substances into five classical elements (panchamahabhutaviz. earthwaterfireair and ether(Akash). There are also twenty gunas (qualities or characteristics) which are considered to be inherent in all matter. These are organized in ten pairs: heavy/light, cold/hot, unctuous/dry, dull/sharp, stable/mobile, soft/hard, non-slimy/slimy, smooth/coarse, minute/gross, and viscous/liquid.[


The three postulated elemental bodily humors, the doshas or tridosha, are vata (air, which some modern authors equate with the nervous system), pitta (bile, fire, equated by some with enzymes), and kapha (phlegm, or earth and water, equated by some with mucus). Contemporary critics assert that doshas are not real, but are a fictional concept.[39] The humours (doshas) may also affect mental health. Each dosha has particular attributes and roles within the body and mind; the natural predominance of one or more doshas thus explains a person’s physical constitution (prakriti) and personality.  Each human  being possesses a unique combination of the doshas which define this person’s temperament and characteristics. As such,  each person need to  modulate their behavior or environment to increase or decrease the doshas and maintain their natural state.

Ayurveda has eight ways to diagnose illness, called Nadi (pulse), Mootra (urine), Mala (stool), Jihva (tongue), Shabda (speech), Sparsha (touch), Druk (vision), and Aakruti (appearance).[

The vast majority (90%) of Ayurvedic remedies are plant based. Plant-based treatments in Ayurveda may be derived from roots, leaves, fruits, bark, or seeds.

This post is designed to publish Ayurvedam remedies from the Ayurvedam experts.

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Ayurveda and Astrology by Sri PS Murthy