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सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो भवन्तु

सत्यं वद । धर्मं चर

Jnaana Kaanda

upanishats form one of the three important parts of the prasthaanatraya. The other two being brahmaa sootras and bhagavadgeetaa. These three form the essence of vedas and are the part of the vedaanta philosophy or the knowledge of brahma and aatmaa.

Each veda shaakhaa got an upanishat at its end. So, as many veda shaakhaas are there so many upanishats are there. Out of them 1008 upanishats are available now. Out of them 108 upanishats are important. Out of them 10 upanishats are very important in teaching brahmajnaana. Jagadguru shree aadi shankara bhagvatpaada wrote bhaashyam/commentaries for those ten upanishats.

In this section a few important upanishats will be taught which essentially form the fundamental blocks for the common man to understand the knowledge encrypted in the vedas.  The Knowledge of self-realization and the concepts of brahma and aatmaa will eventually lead to higher enlightenment and lead to moksha.

upanishats can be categorized into:

  1. vedaanta upanishats
  2. yoga upanishats
  3. shaiva upanishats
  4. vaishnava upanishats and
  5. shaakteya upanishats.

The vedanta upanishats have 11 important upanishats.

  1. eesha, 2. kena, 3. katha,4. prashna,5. mundaka,6. maandookya, 7. aitareeya,
  2. taittiriya 9. chaandogya, 10. brihadaaranyaka, 11. shvetaashvatara.

They are commented on, by various aacharyas starting with aadi shankaraachaarya.

Brief Note on all the above important upanishats, is given here under, including two more upanishats– namely kausheetakee upanishat and maitraayaneeya upanishat.