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सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो भवन्तु

सत्यं वद । धर्मं चर

Vaastu Shaastra

vaastu shaastra which deals with location and construction of a house or office or a factory or temple ie, any dwelling unit of people is very much connected with astrology and sanaatanadharma. There are some basic principles of vaastu shaastra which are essential for peaceful and harmonious living. There are cardinal rules in selecting a plot or a flat for living. Because everyone plans for owning a house and hence knowing basics of vaastu helps a lot.


vaastu is a set of architectural and planning principles derived from the branch of India’s/bhaarat’s ancient vedic texts known as sthaapatya veda or vaastu vidyaa, the “knowledge of architecture”.

vaastu has strict rules governing the direction, orientation, and proportions of a building. The most important factor is the entrance, which must be either due east or due north. The vaastu architect considers the slope and shape of the plot, exposure to the rising sun, location of nearby bodies of water and the other buildings or activities in the nearby environment.

Design according to the principles of vaastu can be seen in bhaarat, Cambodia, Indonesia, China, Japan, and Iran. The systems of vaastu, utilize principles associated with the orientation of buildings and communities, and alignment to the earth’s direction of rotation. A connection is asserted between human health and building materials, direction orientation to the movement of the sun, and spatial relationships.

 vedic architecture is more scientific, it is to be derived from “lost and misunderstood” principles, natural law, “whereby the entire universe is created: galaxies, planets, human beings” along with buildings and cities.

Building a home according to the principles of vaastu should connect the individual intelligence of the occupant of the house, to the cosmic intelligence of the universe and that living in buildings that follow these principles makes one smarter. The safe, happy, and prosperous living of the occupant of the house shall be the main criteria, while selecting the building a house. Because of proper vaastu, businesses located office buildings, should have greater profit. Residents should feel vitality, calmness, and happiness when they moved into their vedic houses. Living in a house of proper vaastu can eliminate 60 to 80 percent of the problems, we encounter in life.

The auspicious locations or direction have water to the east or north. If water is in an inauspicious location or direction, then it can be balanced with fountains on the north side. Items in the nearby environment that generate electro-magnetic fields, such as high-tension wires and microwave towers, are to be avoided. The slope, if any, should be towards the east, and there should be no obstructions that block the sun’s first rays.

The principles of orientation: the sun is the most powerful natural influence on the earth. Aligning a structure with the rising sun (facing east) is auspicious for the building’s inhabitants and to be “spiritually” healthy. The other three cardinal directions also have their corresponding influences. The east and north direction has the influence of prosperity and happiness, and the west and south direction has the influence of negativity, problems, and suffering. The proper orientation is also said to increase business productivity. Name known to all and the basic horoscope/ janmakundali of the residents are to be considered. vaastu effects coupled with astrological chart decides fate of those who live in the house.

The placement of the building and its rooms are to be carefully planned according to their intended usage and the influence of the sun as it moves throughout the day. Rooms are to be placed to take in the sun’s light as it passes overhead. Windows and skylights are also used to allow as much natural sunlight as possible to enter the building. vaastu vidyaa determines the places in the building that are used for generating and storing natural elements like fire and water, heating, and plumbing. Bathroom fixtures such as sinks and mirrors also have a particular placement according to vaastu. Toilets have a particular direction depending on the vaastu design. Kitchens and dining rooms should be on the east or east-south side, and offices on the west. Commercial buildings are often designed as linear bar buildings to offer the most east-facing exposure.

When symmetry is maintained, it helps to coordinate the various aspects of a structure, and that there is an ideal proportion for every room in a home or office. Also, the length, width and elevation of the building are calculated using the ancient vedic mathematical formulas, requiring precision.

vedic vaastu as per jyotish shaastra guidelines, considers the effects of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. The poles and the equator are further reference points. Measurements and proportions are said to be calculated in reference to proportions of the human physiology and the cosmos, in harmony with nature.

Three “special ceremonies” performed on “auspicious dates” are recommended. One is locating water source in the plot and arranging a water source on an auspicious day meant for that,  and the second ceremony is the laying of the shankhu sthaapana with suitable procedure of invoking the devatas , digging foundation first at eeshaanya corner of the building design , placing navaratnas and nava dhaanyas invoking navagrahas , on an auspicious day and muhoortam,  suitable for yajamaani , called shankhu sthaapana and the third is  griha pravesham day again on an auspicious day and muhoortam and suitable to yajamaani, entering with gangaa jalam carried by pious ladies,(normally practice is by the sister of the yajamaani) and keeping cow in front and doing pooja at each entrance of the house and doing ganapati pooja, vaastu, navagraha  poojaa and homam, and agni poojaa by boiling milk till it over flows, under supervison and direction of purohit. Later satyanaaryanavratam or customary vratam as per individual’s family sadaachaaram and annadaanam to all near and dear. Sleeping minimum three nights in that house is normal practice followed. Also, it is in practice to see good and auspicious dates suitable to yajamani for lifting the main entrance door, simha dwaaram and while casting the roof of the structure.

Other Guidelines that are normally suggested in our panchaangas.

This is base level course. As such we are not going into basic theories of vaastupurusha, graamaarnavam and suitability of directions based on the name of the yajamaani etc, which are to be obtained in personal association with vaastu pandit and approaching that pandit with the birth details of yajamaani.

Other Basic general guidelines are being given here under:


gruhaarambha/starting house construction/shankhu sthaapana:

After marriage in the family, within one year and when wife is pregnant after 5th month house construction should not be taken up.

  • Goods Months: vaishaakha, shraavana, kaarteeka, maagha and
  • Good days: Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fridays.
  • Good tithi: dviteeya, truteeya, panchami, saptami, and dashami in both shukla and krishna paksha and ekaadashi, trayodashi, poornimaa in shukla paksha; are
  • Good stars in general: Suitable to yajamaana to be checked out of recommended stars ie, ashvani, rohini, mrugashira, uttara phalguni, uttara aashaadha, uttaraabhaadra, hasta, chitta, swaati, anooraadha, shravanam, dhanishta, shatabhisham and revati.
  • Good lagnas: vrushabha, mithuna, simha, kanya, vrshchika, kumbha and meena.
  • shuddhi: ashtama shuddhi, chaturtha shuddhi– are required. kartari, dhanurmaasamu are not good periods. vrushabha chakra shuddhi is to be checked.

gruhapravesha: Entering house first time.

  • Good Months: vaishaakham, shraavanam, kaarteekam, maagha and phaalguna
  • Good Days: Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fridays,
  • Good thithi: dviteeya, truteeya, panchami, saptami, and dashami in both shukla and krishna paksha and ekaadashi, thraiyodashi, poornami in shukla paksha.
  • Good stars in general: Suitable to yajamaani to be checked. rohini, mrugashira, uttara phalguni, uttara aashaadha, utaraabhaadra, chitta, anooraadha, dhanishta, shatabhisham and revati. (pushyami) are recommended stars.
  • Good lagnas: vrishabha, mithuna, simha, kanya, vrushchikam, dhanus, kumbham and meenam, are recommended good
  • shuddhi: ashtama shuddhi, chaturtha shuddhi, dwaadasha shuddhi– Are required. vrushabha chakra shuddhi, kalasha chakra shuddhi is to be checked.


  1. Introduction to vaastupurusha and basic theory.
  2. The position of vaastu purusha in the plot and the direction in which the construction of house is to be started are given here. We should not start construction of the house in the direction where his legs are and in the direction on which he sees in right side lying down position, keeping his hand under the head.
  3. During bhaadrapada, aashvayuja and kaarteeka maasas: vaastu purusha (VP) lie down keeping his head on east and legs west, seeing north side: so, construction should not be started on west and north side of the plot.
  4. During maargashirsha, pushya and maagha maasas: VP lie down keeping his head on south side, legs north side and seeing east: so, construction should not be started on north side and east side of the plot.
  5. During phaalguna, chaitra and vaishaakha maasas: VP lie down keeping his head on west side, legs on east side and seeing south. So, construction should not be started on east side and south side.
  6. During jyeshta, aashaadha, shraavana maasas: VP lie down keeping his head on North side, legs on South side and seeing west: So, construction should not be started on south side and west.
  7. BASICS OF sthala vaastu:

These were some proven vaastu shastra for plot selection tips. From the size and direction of the plot to its soil and more, there are many factors to be considered before making the big buying decision. While we’ve done our part of explaining the major points, we would still recommend you consult a vaastu expert for detailed guidance. 

  • SHAPE: Avoid buying land pieces which have peculiar shapes, such as L-shaped, triangular, circular, semi-circular, or oval. Always prefer plots that are rectangular or square-shaped. Such plots are said to invite prosperity and happiness. In other shapes please consult an expert in vaastu.
  • STREET: Direction of road facing the plot:

Principle: when you go out of your plot your natural direction of movement shall be towards east, and north directions. South and west natural movement are acceptable only when the road is touching southeast and west-north directions of the plot respectively.

  1. Road coming from East and touching plot on east-north side of the plot and proceeding both north and south side is acceptable. Or proceeding northeast is acceptable. But proceeding only south is not acceptable.
  2. Road coming from north and touching northeast side of the plot and proceeding both east and West directions acceptable.
  3. Road coming from west and touching the west-north side of the plot and proceeding towards north and south is acceptable but proceeding only south not acceptable.
  4. Road coming from south and touching the southeast side of the plot and proceeding both east and west directions acceptable. But proceeding only West not acceptable.

5.Road coming from south or west and touching the plot either southwest or west south side respectively not acceptable.

For all other situations proper vaastu expert clearance is required.

Surroundings of the land or Plot:

  • Plots should not be near temples as people (followers and visitors) bring in a lot of negative energies, which could also flow inside your home.
  • There should not be a huge tree around your plot, as removing it would be very unlucky and you would have to ask for the government’s permission to remove it.
  • The power pole should not be in the north-east corner of the plot as this is the place for water.
  • Avoid buying such plots where the soil smells of decaying matter. Also, if the plot is laden with rocks, worms, thorns, bones, or other inauspicious substances, it is better to avoid such land.
  • If things like cow horns, conch, turtles, copper, gravel, bricks, etc., are obtained while digging, it is considered very auspicious. However, finding items such as cowries, tiles, tattered clothes, coal, iron, lead, gold, gemstones, and crude oil, are inauspicious.
  • The plot should not be located next to a graveyard or hospital. Also, there should not be any industrial building around the plot.
  • Avoid plots that are sandwiched between two large buildings.
  • A river to the south of the plot and mountains to the north of the plot are considered inauspicious.
  • Corner plots and plots covered with green vegetation are auspicious.
  • Plots encapsulated by running roads from all directions are good for commercial purposes.
  • The level of the plot shall be in such a way that the flow of water on the ground shall be in the direction of north, east and ultimately northeast.
  • Well, bore, underground water sump shall be in eastnorth side or northeast side of the plot.
  • We can buy plots having joint on north side or east side of our plot. south side and west side plots should not be bought and attached to the existing plot.
  1. Basics of gruha vaastu.

Points to be considered in general while designing the house:

  1. The main entrance shall face the north direction or east direction. That means while moving out we shall go towards north or east. Divide the east or north facing of the house into 9 parts. The main entrance shall be in 4th or 5thor 6th part. northeast or east north also acceptable.
  2. There shall be windows on either side of the main entrance of the house.
  3. The poojaa room shall be in such a way that we should face east and do poojaa and light the lamp.
  4. Total number of doors, windows shall be even number individually and combined, but not 10, 20 etc.
  5. House should not be constructed on north and east side compound walls of the plot.
  6. There should be left out space around the house to move around the house. The north side of the house shall have more than south. The space on east side shall be more than west.
  7. North and east walls shall not support storage racks. There should not be no weight on east and north walls of any room. South and west walls shall support storage racks etc.
  8. No toilets on northeast/eastnorth corner. Northwest corner or South side Toilets can be located with sitting position facing North.
  9. Cooking platform shall be in a such a way that we face east while cooking. The Southeast quadrant of the house is the best choice for kitchen and cooking platform.
  10. Master Bedroom shall be in south corner of the house. The head side of the bed shall be on south side. We should sleep while seeing North. Second choice is head on east side seeing west. Should not sleep keeping head on North.
  11. Northeast quadrant of the house shall be empty hall for drawing room, living room, TV room etc, and shall have poojaa room.
  12. The dining room shall be in between or attached to living room and Kitchen.
  13. The internal or external staircase shall not be at northeast corner. Southeast corner or northwest corner is best choice for staircases. The water flow on the stairs shall be towards east or north.
  14. The vehicles shall be parked on west north quadrant or east south quadrant of the plot.
  15. The sloped roofs shall be with slope from South to North or West to East.
  16. For More detailed study we better a consult a vaastu expert with actual conditions of plot and House.

 Spl Note: North- uttara; South- dakshina; East-poorva; West-pashcima

Northeast-eeshaana; Southeast-aagneya; Southwest- nairuti; Northwest-vaayuvya

Each veda shaakhaa got an upanishat at its end. So, as many veda shaakhaas are there so many upanishats are there. Out of them 1008 upanishats are available now. Out of them 108 upanishats are important. Out of them 10 upanishats are very important in teaching brahmajnaana. Jagadguru shree aadi shankara bhagvatpaada wrote bhaashyam/commentaries for those ten upanishats.

In this section a few important upanishats will be taught which essentially form the fundamental blocks for the common man to understand the knowledge encrypted in the vedas.  The Knowledge of self-realization and the concepts of brahma and aatmaa will eventually lead to higher enlightenment and lead to moksha.

upanishats can be categorized into:

  1. vedaanta upanishats
  2. yoga upanishats
  3. shaiva upanishats
  4. vaishnava upanishats and
  5. shaakteya upanishats.

The vedanta upanishats have 11 important upanishats.

  1. eesha, 2. kena, 3. katha,4. prashna,5. mundaka,6. maandookya, 7. aitareeya,
  2. taittiriya 9. chaandogya, 10. brihadaaranyaka, 11. shvetaashvatara.

They are commented on, by various aacharyas starting with aadi shankaraachaarya.

Brief Note on all the above important upanishats, is given here under, including two more upanishats– namely kausheetakee upanishat and maitraayaneeya upanishat.