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सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो भवन्तु

सत्यं वद । धर्मं चर

Vimaana Shaastra

Vimaanayaana has been well known throughout the great epics of raamaayana and mahaabhaarata, where pushpaka vimaana is used for travel by air. In the puraanaas, it is described that, gandharvas etc.,travel by vimaanas in the sky. But the technical principles of vimaana shaastra are never described. The common man feels it was only a fiction and the real vimaana shaastra or technology was invented by Wright brothers.

As we believe the epics/itihaasas and the contents to be true and hence the contents regarding vimaana shaastra are also true. With pains taking efforts by few it has been seen that vimaana shaastra is an ancient advance technology nurtured and developed by the great rushi bharadwaaja and rushi aarya bhatta. Further science has been physically tested by our own people, long before the Wright brothers tested their first flight. In Mumbai in 1895 shivakar talpade with the assistance of pandit subbaraaya shaastry of Mysore, is the first person to invent and fly. (Movie was also made in 2015 हवाईजादा-Nayak Ayushman Khurana)

This section deals with the advances in science and technology as per records and the scientific studies carried out recently in this field. Dr. CSR Prabhu from Hyderabad, Ex. DG of NIC, GOI, and present Director of KMIT, has worked on bhardwaaja vimana shaastra with the association of some other scientists of Birla Planetorium, Hyderabad etc. and invented & patented some metallurgical materials based on bhardwaaja vimaana shastra.

Scientific Research on Vedas

vedas not only contains the spiritual essences but also, the treasure of scientific values. The ancient rushis with them spiritual thoughts gave us several vedic chants and scripts which have sciences that are very useful and essential to the mankind. rugveda deals with ayurvedic Science, and dhanurveda is upaveda of yajurveda. Further our maharushis presented us many vedic scripts in the form of upanishats and puraanas relating to ganitha shaastra, (Numbers), khagola shaastra (Geology), nakshatra shaastra (Astronomy), rasayana shaastra (Chemistry), and bhaugolika shaastra (Physics), kirana shaastra (Cosmology), vruksha shaastra (Agriculture), loha shaastra (Metallurgy), pashu shaastra (Animal), sthaapatya shaastra (Engineering), naatya shaastra (Dance and Music), nyaaya shsastra (Law), jyotish shaastra (Astrology), neethi shaastra (Administration), and many such allied about scientific and administrative knowledge. The present-day modern and advanced sciences have great relevance to the ancient scripts that are embedded with science. There is great scope to further evaluations towards applied research and for undertaking especially in universities and advanced research centers for continuous research to protect the Indian ancient scientific pursuits for the betterment of life with environmentally benign technologies and health sciences and to regain the lost status in pursuit of ancient scientific values.


The Vedic scripts used were utilised for discoveries and inventions as a discovery by Western scientists, with respect to following subjects:

  1. Astronomical, cosmological & gravitational science
  2. Physical sciences.

3, Solar energy-

  1. Chemistry & Chemical sciences.
  2. Ancient metals & metallurgy and optics.
  3. Plants and herbal science.
  4. Earth sciences & geology, meteorology.
  5. Weather& environment.
  6. Astronomy & mathematics.
  7. Engineering in ancient scripts.
  8. bhardwaaja vymanika shastra for modern applications.
  9. Indian ancient medical systems.
  10. The Indian medicine aayurveda.
  11. Mind & yoga shaastra.
  12. Ancient Indian management science & philosophy.


The Ancient scientists are sages. The enormous Scientific and management data in Vedic scripts are in Sauskrut.  The translations,Evaluations of each word is necessary and this is a challenging task that can be done only by the             eminent Vedic scholars. Modern scientists should learn the essence of vedic scripts. The methodology to acquire,

this knowledge is by uniting the Vedic scholars and modern scientific scholars are important. The modern scholars may also get the samskrut knowledge and interpretations of the words to understand and convert the knowledge. Then only miracles will happen with more research projects. The universities and samskrut and oriental languages scholars interact to develop this ancient knowledge in science and management. The lost glory of vedic culture and science can be preserved and go a long way with our future generations. In the bhaarateeya medical practice in Ayurveda is an immediate necessity for the government for standardisation of ayurvedic drugs on par with Allopathy medicine to speed up and avail the ancient practice of the bhaarateeya medical system.


To quote our past 11th President of bhaarat said:


Vedas are the oldest classics and the most precious treasure of bhaarat. The soul of bharateeya samskruti dwells in the vedas. The entire world admits the importance of vedas. Tell me why the media here! is so embarrassed to recognise our strengths and achievements? We have amazing success stories, but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?” Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam

Reference Material

For further details pl study the paper by name: BHARATEEYA PRACHEENA VIGNANA SASTRAS: Applied Research Avenues in Environmental & Health Sciences. written by Dr. KVRS Murthy Garu Scientist (Rtd) CSIR: Indian Institute of Chemical Technology; Hon.Director Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas.

 The Details of Legenderay -Expert of Bhardwaaja Vimaana Shaastra Expert of 20eth century Bhrahmasri. Subbaraaya Sastry of Mysore. & Bharwaja Vimaana shaastra

Link in Google.


Each veda shaakhaa got an upanishat at its end. So, as many veda shaakhaas are there so many upanishats are there. Out of them 1008 upanishats are available now. Out of them 108 upanishats are important. Out of them 10 upanishats are very important in teaching brahmajnaana. Jagadguru shree aadi shankara bhagvatpaada wrote bhaashyam/commentaries for those ten upanishats.

In this section a few important upanishats will be taught which essentially form the fundamental blocks for the common man to understand the knowledge encrypted in the vedas.  The Knowledge of self-realization and the concepts of brahma and aatmaa will eventually lead to higher enlightenment and lead to moksha.

upanishats can be categorized into:

  1. vedaanta upanishats
  2. yoga upanishats
  3. shaiva upanishats
  4. vaishnava upanishats and
  5. shaakteya upanishats.

The vedanta upanishats have 11 important upanishats.

  1. eesha, 2. kena, 3. katha,4. prashna,5. mundaka,6. maandookya, 7. aitareeya,
  2. taittiriya 9. chaandogya, 10. brihadaaranyaka, 11. shvetaashvatara.

They are commented on, by various aacharyas starting with aadi shankaraachaarya.

Brief Note on all the above important upanishats, is given here under, including two more upanishats– namely kausheetakee upanishat and maitraayaneeya upanishat.